Category - Travel Tips

Must-Visit Places You Should Not Miss During Your Bahamas Stay

Are you planning to go on a vacation and forget all your troubles for a while? Your answer would most probably be a yes. How do we know? Well, we are all facing the same situation. We are all tired of our monotonous daily lives and want to escape it at any cost. While a permanent escape is not a viable option, you can go on a great holiday. A nice holiday spent with friends or family could be a mental booster for you. Therefore, we have decided to give you a Bahamas tourist attraction list containing some of the best places to visit. Here is that list: Read More

What is Thailand Known and Famous for ?

If you’re interested in visiting Thailand for a trip or a specific holiday, you may wish to learn what Thailand is famous for.

Thailand also has numerous islands which are well known, which have numerous hotels for tourists. In case you’ve ever consumed Thai food, you will know it is a rewarding experience. Food included in the noodles, your choice of sausage and meat could be hot or candy or both. It’s become popular that many cooking shows and cookbooks are made to assist you in recreating the flavor in your home. If you like water, then you are going to delight in visiting the beaches in Thailand.

Additionally, many islands constitute the state of Thailand. Many resorts have huts and websites where you can stay right on the shore lying in your sleeping mat to get a hammock and feel the breeze from the sea. You can find a hut big enough for you or your whole family. It’s nothing like it anywhere else on earth. Since Buddhism is the major religion in Thailand, they’ve many sculptures and temples that encircle the nation. Some are inside the significant town of Bangkok. Others are situated in the dense woods where you would require a travel guide to achieve. These are usually somewhat less populated and will afford you the chance to view it without being dashed. A number of the figurines are of monks.

Muay Thai is a kind of martial arts which has been originated in Thailand. It’s a mix of kicking, punching fighting. It’s possible to take courses based on this art form. To genuinely master it’ll take patience and several years of training. Many intense fighters utilize Muay Thai because of the cornerstone of the training. It had been regarded as among the best natural disasters today. Based on official documents, over 4,800 individuals died as an outcome. An outpouring of aid came from all around the world to help it. There’s a lot to see and do. If you would like to go shopping, you can do this using a tuk-tuk driver to transport you to someplace. Another alternative you may do is to ride on a sea or ride a measure through a bicycle to observe the town’s expanding nightlife.

There are various hotels and hotels where you can find a very simple massage or play a round of golf clubs. They’ve pristine beaches and history, which predates modern culture. They’ve exotic cuisine in addition to temples, hotels, shopping, and much more. The folks are friendly, and in the event, you choose to plan an excursion, it can be difficult picking the very best places to go to during your stay. Celebrate Khao Phansa at Thailand Visit Thailand in August for the Khao Phansa cocktail festival. It is a fantastic time that celebrates the Buddhist monks’ start a month period where they don’t abandon their monastery. It’s their given period, and it’s crucial to be aware that alcohol isn’t allowed. Before seeing, it’s crucial to package for rain because it will likely rain the whole time. On the afternoon of the occasion, candles are put on floats, which are decorated and shipped all over town. You will find women dance around them with lovely traditional costumes. The candle can be fascinating to see lit. This candle will remain lit throughout the whole 3 months. The rainy months are a terrific time to visit this city. Buddha instructed the monks to remain inside so the individuals could plant and harvest with no monks walking in their fields.

Everything You Need To Know About Strawberry Acai

strawberry acai refresher

Everyone loves strawberries, but you will absolutely fall in love with it if you get to know about strawberry acai. Strawberry acai is a refreshing drink that is made out of ice and strawberry acai bas.

It also contains:

  • Water
  • Sugar
  • White grape juice concentrate
  • Natural flavors
  • Natural green coffee flavor
  • Citric acid
  • Fruit and vegetable juice
  • Rebaudioside-a
  • Freeze-dried strawberries.

All these ingredients are used to make a tasty strawberry acai.

Summers bring a good time for all of us. But when the heat hits you hard, you’re always finding something to cool you down. A strawberry acai drink is great for a summer day. It can take away all the heat you feel inside of yourself. This strawberry acai cools you down and keeps you active with the caffeine added inside.

As we all know, there are many benefits of eating strawberries. For example, strawberries protect your heart, increase HDL (good cholesterol), lower your blood pressure, and also protect you from cancer. But now we can also use these benefits by a drink. This fruit is a low-calorie fruit that is fat-free, cholesterol-free, and antioxidant.

This drink looks amazing with the dehydrated strawberries floating up. Not only that but it tastes so good that you will find yourself taking huge gulps.

When talking about calories, no one likes to get fat. But this drink contains very little calories and so keeps you healthy. There are 90 calories in strawberry acai refresher from Starbucks. Most of the calories come from carbohydrates.

Benefits of Strawberry Acai Refresher

Strawberry acai refresher is really a hydrating drink for you to have in summers. Not only it gives you a refreshing feel, but it also cools you down. This drink can be bought from Starbucks and officially started from here. It is quite expensive, but it’s worth buying.

The strawberry acai refresher with lemonade is also one of Starbucks’ famous drinks. It is quite popular nowadays, and most of the people are loving it. This is because of its sweet strawberry flavors accented by passion fruit and acai notes. Plus with lightly green coffee extract and lemon juice.

Not only is this drink healthy and low in calories, but it also protects you from various types of diseases. Thanks to the healthy ingredients added. It depends on you how much sweet you intake. But you can keep your liquid calories under control if you have this strawberry acai refresher drink.

Starbucks Strawberry Acai Refresher

Starbucks strawberry acai refresher is an amazing drink which you will choose over a frappuccino. Because the flavors are nicely balanced of the sweetness and tart, which you will love drinking on a humid day.

You can find this refreshing drink at Starbucks. Starbucks is quite famous for its strawberry acai drink refresher. This is because they also include green coffee extract in it. This keeps you going for a refreshing strawberry taste. Then what’s not to love about Strawberry acai.

They serve almost all types of drinks. But this drink gives you all you want in summer. This drink is served with dehydrated strawberries floating in the drink, which you can eat after finishing this tasty drink. This is because strawberries are a versatile fruit. Making this drink base a good one to mix and match with other flavors in summers.

Strawberry Acai Refresher With Lemonade

This strawberry acai refresher with lemonade is almost the same drink as a strawberry acai refresher. But it has a lemon splash to make it even tastier and refreshing. It has the same benefits as a normal strawberry acai refresher.

You can also make this Strawberry acai refresher with lemonade at home. Using fresh strawberries or frozen strawberries, add them to a pan and add 4 cups of water. Next, you have to add ½ teaspoon of organic acai powder and stir it for about 10 minutes. After the mixture gets thicker, get it off the flame and cool down for 10 minutes. Then get a strainer and strain the mixture and press it down to get all the liquid out.

Next, add in one cup of white grape juice with two cups of water, so it doesn’t get too sweet. After that, add in one green coffee bean capsule and stir it till it dissolves. Then comes the main part. Add one cup of lemonade juice and a scoop of frozen dry strawberries. Give everything a final stir and add in some ice cubes.

You can try this recipe at home and enjoy your homemade strawberry acai refresher with lemonade.

How To Make Strawberry Acai Refresher

We all know that the strawberry acai refresher is really tasty and good for health. But you cannot always go out to purchase it. You can make this strawberry acai refresher at home. By just using some of the ingredients, you canget the exact same taste you purchase from outside.

The first thing you will need is a strawberry or any other berry tea. Next, take a warm cup of water and add the teabag into it. Let it sit for around 10 minutes. Then take some frozen strawberries or either fresh ones and cut them into small pieces. This is done so that the strawberries can go through the straw. Next, add the strawberries to the bottom of the cup. After that, add some acai powder and pour some ice cubes. Now go ahead and pour the berry tea into the cup.

You can also add some coconut milk, but that’s totally up to you. You can do so if you want to have a more refreshing taste. Next, add some honey or sugar if you want to have a more sweet taste. After doing this, your strawberry acai refresher is ready.


If you are in love with this drink and don’t want to buy it regularly, don’t worry. By following the steps mentioned above, you can make this strawberry acai refreshing drink at home. You only have to use a few simple ingredients and follow some simple steps. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and make your own delicious strawberry acai!

5 Tips for Hassle-Free Travel

The travel bug seems to have hit all of us, and with so many sights to see around the world, staying at home simply isn’t an option. However, going on holiday isn’t all fun and games, and many tourists might not know that the perfect trip takes a lot of planning. While it’s tempting to simply pick up your backpack and hit the road, if you want to make sure your travel experience goes well, then you need to put in a little bit of legwork before heading out. Here are only a few tips and tricks you can do to make sure your trip runs as smoothly as possible.

Pick Your Destination

Deciding where you want to go is the cornerstone of your preparations, and will be the biggest decision and most important decision you’ll make. The type of traveler you are will be a big factor in your decision-making process: are you a backpacker who only needs a rough itinerary, or do you have specific sights you want to see that require a bit more planning? Doing your due diligence and researching your destination will prevent a lot of headaches in the future. If picking where to go is tougher than you thought, Insider has put together a list of top travel destinations for millennials that could help out in that department, including Canada, South Africa, and Thailand.

Research Your Transportation

Figuring out how to get around is essential to travel — in fact, it’s the next most important thing after figuring out a destination. Transportation requires big decisions, such as how to get to a specific country from your home, and small decisions, such as how to navigate a foreign city. When picking airlines, a feature by Aviation JobNet lists some of the factors you should consider before buying your ticket. These factors include price comparisons, consumer ratings, and luggage surcharges, among others. Other transportation options will be specific to your location, and going on forums like TripAdvisor will net a lot of helpful tips.

Pack Smart

Your luggage is the next thing you should be thinking about, and while overpacking or underpacking might not be enough to ruin a whole trip, it can put a wrench in your plans. To avoid the hassle of bringing too much or too little, travel blogger Nomadic Matt has put together a packing list based on his own experiences. The list includes a general count of how many t-shirts and pants you’ll need for any trip, as well as essential toiletries and items for your travel medical kit. You can adjust this depending on where you’re going and what the weather will be like, but having a foundation for your packing decisions is much smarter than simply tossing what you want to wear into a bag.

Use Technology

Gone are the days when going on a trip meant wading blindly through a foreign country. There are tons of resources online that can help make your trip run more smoothly, and can even open your eyes to hidden gems or good deals. Try crowdsourcing information on forums like TripAdvisor, or head over to famous travel magazine Lonely Planet for long reads on exotic locales. The Internet is a fantastic tool for research, and you’d be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t use it.

Bring Gadgets

The benefits of technology go beyond advice on a forum post, and advancements in science and tech have led to the invention of gadgets that are now essential for the perfect travel experience. Check out our post on ‘6 Travel Gadgets That You Should Always Have in Your Suitcase’ for some of the best gadgets that you simply can’t travel without. A smartphone, multipurpose backpack, and noise-cancelling headphones are only a few of the things we never travel without.

5 Reasons to Plan a Schengen Holiday

Going on a Schengen holiday can be both fun and adventurous. With plenty of things to do and places to visit in Europe, a Schengen holiday experience is a must for all those travelers who love exploring interesting places. A visit to the best cities of Europe will leave you inspired and in awe of its spectacular wonders. This article will highlight some of the reasons why a Schengen holiday must be on every traveler’s bucket list.

Want to experience a stress-free Schengen holiday? Make sure you check out the ETIAS guide prior to planning your Schengen holiday. The Schengen area includes several countries which fall under the European Union as well as the other countries like Switzerland. This guide lists out all the essential points which can be of great help while traveling in these regions. This way you can travel throughout the Schengen
zone without any hassle.

1. You get to be surrounded by the age-old history

Europe has accommodated the living civilization for several centuries and the monumental buildings are proof to this. Especially in places like Italy, there are some buildings which date back to several thousand years. Dotted with numerous museums, Europe is one place in the world which holds the maximum number of artworks which were curated early on. By planning a Schengen holiday, you can get a chance to explore
the age-old history of Europe through the several monuments as well as the museums.

2. You get to taste lip-smacking delicacies

From immensely appetizing beer options to the delicious cuisine that is available in every nook and corner of the continent, a trip to Europe can be a real treat for your taste buds. You simply can’t miss some of these favorites which include strudel in Austria, black risotto in Croatia, croissants in France, gyros in Greece, waffles in Belgium, and above all, the pizzas in Italy! The culinary delights of this place make for a scrumptious meal which would definitely be loved by every gastronome.

3. You get to walk amidst the picturesque landscapes

From the snow-blanketed Swiss Alps to the charming coastlines of Italy, the natural beauty of Europe’s attractions can leave any spectator awestruck. With jaw-dropping sights everywhere, a Schengen holiday can rejuvenate your senses and give you that much needed peace of mind.

4. You get to explore the rich culture of Europe

Exploring the culture of a place always tops the list of every traveler and explorer. Some of the finest theatres of the world are accommodated by Europe where several artists showcase their talent inspired by the rich culture of Europe. The plays, musical shows and other performances in these theatres give you a chance to get a glimpse into the cultural aspects of that particular regional.

5. You get to visit a lot of places in the least amount of time

Traveling from one place to another is always a hassle when you are in an unknown country. But, this is not the case when you are in the European countries. Even though Europe holds a number of interesting countries, the efficient travel modes make it easier for tourists to commute between cities. The Schengen zone’s open borders make it possible to explore most of the European region with a single stamp on your passport. This would give you more time to travel to a large number of places in Europe.

So, apply for your Europe visa now and go an exciting Schengen holiday to explore the vibrant countries of Europe.