Category - Europe

Things to Know Before you go to Lisbon

travel to lisbon

When you travel to Lisbon, you might find the following tips useful for a better tour. You will be able to communicate better with the locals and have a good itinerary handy once you have gone through the list.

• Money

The euro is the currency of Lisbon. If you are looking for banks then head to the Baixa district. You can save money with Lisbon based cards.


While buses and cars are the usual modes of transportation, do hop on the yellowish 28 tram, and the ubiquitous tuk-tuks. They hold the essence of Lisbon. Do not miss the trams and tuk-tuk rides while you travel to Lisbon.

• Shopping

Lisbon has over 70 varieties of tinned fish to boast. Lisbon is also famous for unique cork products, including cork handbags and backpacks. Also, noteworthy are the exquisite tile shops selling antique tiles manufactured around the 15th Century. These antique little pieces will make good souvenirs to carry back home for friends and family.

• Footwear

In Lisbon, there will a lot of walking up and down the hills since the city itself is situated on the top of 7 hills. One must, therefore, opt for footwear with a good grip. Keep it light yet well gripped so that you can move freely without getting your legs too tired.

• Food & Drinks

Codfish dishes, especially codfish cakes, flaming chorizos, and baked goodies, especially their decadent custard tarts are a must try in Lisbon. There are numerous quaint pubs and bars around. In Bairro Alto, you get to drink and dance. Lisbon is famous for its red cherry liqueur, Ginginja. If you are lucky you can get to drink shots out of chocolate glasses. Port is also a must try the drink.

• Language

Lisbon is the capital of Portugal, and hence the language that is spoken there is Portuguese. Although English is spoken and understood by many in the cities, that might not be the case in the rural areas. Therefore, it is advisable to learn a few Portuguese phrases for your convenience.

• Must visit places

Lisbon has two UNESCO World Heritage sites–Tower of Belém and Jerónimos Monastery. Other than these two, you can also hop on a public transport and explore Sintra in a day.

• Things to do

Apart from the usual sightseeing, explore the streets of Lisbon and their stunning graffiti art. Visit Feira da Ladra, or Lisbon’s flea market for a unique shopping experience. Enjoy a panoramic view of the Lisbon City, along with a beautiful sunset from the highest point in Lisbon, Nossa Senhora do Monte Belvedere.

• Culture

Perhaps the best way to explore the culture of Lisbon is through its soulful Fado, Portuguese traditional music. The district of Alfama is the best place to experience the magic of its melancholic tune.

• Pickpockets

Keep an eye on your goods when you travel to Lisbon. The place is notorious for its pickpockets.

Now you are street smart about traveling anywhere in Lisbon. All that is left to do is enjoy!

Madeira – the Volcanic Island worth Your Visit When in Portugal

Mountains rising from the Atlantic, waterfalls plunging into the ocean, winding roads meandering through wilderness, and the vibrant colours of the lifetime of spring that the island enjoys, Madeira is one of Portugal’s best kept secrets!

An ignored haven that is slowly coming into the spotlight, this archipelago is one of the best volcanic islands in the world.

Earlier known for being a laid-back island with not much to offer, it is today famous for having some of the best natural phenomenon for the tourists to explore. Whether it be volcanic caves and rocks, or unusual vegetation, and spectacular scenes, this island is packed with everything that one would call perfection!

Take a look at what makes this island so special, and why it should be a part of your itinerary!

And then, go ahead and plan a trip to Portugal.

Inspiring Views

Brace yourself to have the most interrupted journey that you will ever have. And there is no one to blame but the mesmerising views. With the camera at a constant go, you will be surprised as to how beautiful this island is. Whether it be the sun on the horizon, the cobalt waters, or even a modest home with a lush mountainous background, the island is teemed with heavenly sites. Visit Cabo Girão, the highest cliff skywalk of Europe to enjoy the panoramic views of the isle and the waters.


Caving, hiking, picnicking, and beaching are some of the most popular activities that you can enjoy on the island. For those who are looking for some exceptional experiences, indulge in a cultural tour, a session meeting dolphins and whales, and lazing around in one of the many sea pools of the isle. The Laurissilva Forest, and Levadas are perfect for nature lovers, as the first one is part of a UNESCO site, while the latter boasts of the best hiking experience.

Remarkable Food

Big on seafood, and even bigger on flavours, Madeira is every pescatarian’s dream come true! Also known as some of the best producers of wine in the country, there’s no better place to indulge in this wonderful brew than here!

Another thing that you’ll find abundant in Madeira, is fruits. The most exotic fresh fruits of the best quality can be found here.

For a quick bite during your sightseeing tour, you can opt for Bolo Do Caco- a local street delicacy. For the best gastro-adventure, head to local restaurants and eateries. Interacting with the people and the chef will add immensely to your experience.


Madeira is home to the most lovely people. Gracious, welcoming and kind, it seems that everyone in this small town is excited to have you over. Known as “a place for the oldies”, you will be welcomed by the doting elders. A one big family, indulging in a little love here is blissful!

Intriguing Culture

Not lacking in terms of history, art and architecture, Madeira has galleries, museums and cathedrals that tell tales of the rich, ancient history of this pearl of a land. Their unique connection with the Flemish Masters can also be observed at their Sacred Art museum.

Madeira is the abode of the humble Portuguese. Blessed with nature’s best, it will soon be a rage amongst wanderers. Be sure to plan a vacation here for a few days while in Portugal!

Things to do in Malta

Malta is known for its hot summer sun and everything related to its surrounding blue Mediterranean seas, such as water sports and diving. As a result, flocks of tourists visit the Maltese islands during the May to September season in an attempt to sit back, relax and enjoy the summer sun. Things to do in Malta winter is rather mild, it allows for the hills to be greener. One can enjoy the countryside by means of hiking, walking or cycling an activity. Things to do in Malta boasts some really stunning luxury hotels, where you can enjoy superb service in rich surroundings overlooking the sea. Reiki balancing, Balneo baths, thalassotherapy, and Ayurveda.

Things to do in Malta

Here are few amazing Things to do in Malta:

  • Malta Sightseeing

During this time of year, taking in Malta’s impressive culture would be ideal since the old villages and monuments are less busy with tourists, and the temperature is cooler. The oldest and most notable structures are the prehistoric temples, the largest of which are located in Qrendi. Valletta and Mdina, for instance, are incredible localities that merit a visit. By simply walking around, one can appreciate the historic buildings and distinct character of each city.

Things to do in Malta

  • New Stone Age Temples

Things to do in Malta are also home to the oldest free reputation structures in the globe.  The Neolithic temples found on the Maltese islands, continue to baffle archaeologists and researchers to this day. Perhaps the most inspiring of all is Ggantija temples, found in Gozo they are Older than the pyramids of Egypt. Legend has it that these New Stone Age temples were built by giants.

Things to do in Malta

  • Malta Beaches

Things to do in Malta beaches are popular for their crystal clear blue waters. Worthy of note here is the wonderful Blue Lagoon in Comino, Ramla Bay on Gozo Island and Mellieha Bay in Malta. The fact that the Malta weather is warm and welcoming almost all year round, make Malta the best holiday destinations for beach lovers as well as diving enthusiasts.

Things to do in Malta

  • Malta Photo Experience

In current years new Things to do in Malta photo tours have been shaped to cater for a more photographic knowledge of the Maltese islands. Uphotomalta for the occasion is a company specially designed for both professionals as well as amateurs who would like to explore the islands through their lens. They offer a collection of 3 dissimilar tours exclusively open to eight guests that visit secluded parts of the Island known only to the locals as well as the most popular and breath-taking spots on the islands

Things to do in Malta

Things to do in Malta Holidays are quite common, therefore, capture unforgettable moments with a video camera or a digital camera. Immediately upload these pictures to your laptop so that you can take more and more shots of your Things to do in Malta Holidays.

Things to do in Malta are a little Island, so getting to places is never a hassle. Malta’s normal bus service means getting around couldn’t be simple. Since the public bus company was taken over by British company Arriva, more bus routes have been added. Things to do in Malta have a lot of things to do with the amazing environment and gorgeous beaches.

Malta Best Tourist Places

Malta tourist places

Malta tourist places is a small island state in Europe, in the middle of the Mediterranean and is a popular holiday destination for many Europeans, mostly from the U.K., Germany, Italy, France, and Holland. Tourists visit the island for different reasons and the island offers a variety of facets that will be of interest for most types of travelers.

Malta tourist places

There are many great attractions and places to visit on this island. Malta is a hot spot for among travelers who love to see historical places. The economy mostly depends upon the tourism industry and therefore government gives sufficient significance on the comfort of the visitors.

  • The Food

Like the language, Malta tourist places cuisine draws influence from numerous dissimilar cultures. You’ll find an Arabic and English but you’ll find Italian food being the majority prominent. Some specialty includes Fenek, Aranchini, and Maltese sausage, Timpana (macaroni in pastry), Ross il-forn (baked rice), Bigilla (bean dip) etc.

Malta tourist places

  • The Accommodation

There’s absolutely no shortage of places to stay in Malta tourist places. With new accommodation being built every day in Malta, whatever your budget, there’s bound to be a place to suit you. Accommodation in Malta tourist places ranges from lavish hotels to penthouses, self-catering apartments and budget rooms. Locations range from central hot spots, resorts to seaside views and housing areas. Due to tourist places size, you are never far from the sea and local attractions.

Malta tourist places

Malta tourist places are a little island in the Mediterranean Sea. It is a large place to spend your long expected holiday. The place is popular for coastlines, ports and its attractive beaches. It takes only 3-4 hour from the UK to reach over here.

  • Enjoy Environments

Malta tourist places are a popular vacation destination. The country attracts high volumes of visitors every year. It enjoys the rainy winters and hot, dry summers. The climate is very hot during the summer months. The best time to visit for a holiday over here is between Aprils to June. September to October is also good to visit here.

Malta tourist places

The winter months are a little bit rainy. If you are looking for cheap housing charges for a stay in Malta then time from November and February is good because heavy discounts are offered by the hotels in this period.

  • Cheap Flights

Since the introduction of budget airlines, there is a long list of airlines that fly to Malta from all over the globe. Air Berlin, Air Malta, Alitalia, BMI Baby,  Jat, Jet Time, Lufthansa, Luxair, Ryanair, Scandinavian SAS, Thomas Cook Thomson Airways, Easyjet, Egyptair, Emirates, Finnair Tunisair Express etc all fly to Malta. The quantity of airlines that fly there and simple to get cheap flight ticket because Malta is the best holiday destinations.

Malta tourist places

Malta tourist places have a different type of attractionsmuseums and events to keep even the most active of you busy. For several family enjoyments, there is Popeye village. This old film set was from the film Popeye starring Robin Williams. It has since been turned into a theme park which offers a range of activities for kids and adults alike. If you’re looking for a vacation to relax and improve your health, certain Malta hotels offer therapies including massage, hot stone treatments and many more.

Dublin Attractions Points

Dublin is the best holiday destination and very popular for young travelers visiting Ireland. Dublin attractions are famous for its nightlife, music and artistic culture. It attracts a lot of resources travelers and backpackers from around the globe because it is a reasonable European destination which offers plenty of financial plan accommodation options for visitors on a budget.

Dublin attractions

Some different Things to do in Dublin are:

  • Sports in Dublin

Dublin attractions have a lot of stuff for sports lovers. Dublin presents riches of sports to its people and visitors. Dublin is conventional as the home of the world’s most admirable golf courses. Golf is an individual sport.  The golf courses in Dublin can definitely be marked as wonderful places for golf lovers to spend their holidays with fun and etiquettes. Dublin attractions offer a number of globe popular golf courses to play.

Dublin attractions

  • Dublin attractions Casino

The heartbeat of Dublin nightlife lies in casinos. Casinos can be found without complexity all over the city, offering stimulation, thrill, suspense and the passion to win. Casinos are Dublin attractions can be called boxes of tricks presenting a diversity of gaming options, counting slots, and video poker machines. The Casino Marino is the most excellent recognized casino in Dublin.

Dublin attractions

  • Dublin Clubbing

Lights, music, drink, and dance is all that makes a club accepted. Clubs come to life after dusk and these are related to hanging out and high tones of music. Dublin club scene has everything you are looking for to use up a dynamic weekend; the great milieu, shacking music, rocking DJs and active crowd in the dark. There is an extended queue of the clubs, bars, pubs and taverns in the electrifying city of Dublin attractions with funky interiors, crazy lights, smoke machines and dance floors.

Dublin attractions

  • Exhibitions in Dublin

Dublin attractions are prepared to entertain and excite you with its imaginative exhibitions. Dublin attractions host a number of exhibitions all year. These exhibitions of enormous artistic work can definitely mesmerize you with the excellence of products and crafts displayed. Exhibitions are the most outstanding way to demonstrate and present anything to its target audience. Dublin attractions calendar is filled with the diversity of exhibitions occurrence in the city including the show of paintings, performing arts exhibitions, book exhibitions, etc.

Dublin attractions

  • Dublin Festivals

Come and Get Rocked. Rhythmic melodies, arty avenue theatres, charming fireworks, and the fancy parades are part of a number of the festive activities in Dublin attractions. The majestic capital city of Ireland, Dublin brings a general series of festivals to consider its people and to elevate the situation like fashion festivals, fun fairs, food festivals, film festivals and numerous more.

Dublin attractions

If you want to Christmas celebration, a New Year party, St. Patrick’s Day or any other event, then come to Dublin next time. The electrifying celebrations will be there to amuse you.

Dublin attractions have a not at all finish list of celebrations and joys. So if you are planning to spend your holiday season in the amazing city of Dublin just go to Dublin attractions Events before you make a holiday plan. The Dublin Events team has categorized all the main movement spots and events in Dublin only for your lighten and convenience.