Category - Europe

Top Things to do in Paris

Paris Tourist Attraction

Paris, being a capital of France, is also known by some names like City of love and city of lights. If we talk about Paris the first thing comes to our mind is the Eiffel Tower. But other than The Eiffel tower, Paris is one of the most trending shopping hubs in the world. It is also the home to some praised fashion designers in the world. This is the reason it also called to be the capital of fashion. If one is planning to visit Paris then shopping here should never be missed out.

Moreover, there are numbers of Paris Tourist Attractions to see:

1. The Eiffel Tower:

Once you catch up to the Paris the number one thing to do in Paris is visiting this remarkable tower. This pile of iron which was hammered out in 1889 is now one of the most photographed places in the world. This Paris Tourist Attraction manifest an opportunity of best photography for day time and for night time as well. Foreigners can roam under the tower through the conveyor. They also can dine out in the restaurants under this tower.

2. Louvre:

This Paris Tourist Attraction located in the Louvre Palace has a beautiful glass Pyramid at its doorway. It is counted in one of the most visited museums in the world. It has a housing of most illusrious art works such as Michelangelo’s “Dying Slave”, the Greek statue, “Venus of Milo” and the much-publicized Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa”.

3. Centre Pompidou:

The Centre Pompidou is named after the president of France, Georges Pompidou who commissioned the building. This large center is a group of some associations. The first, second, and third floors are occupied by a vast library, Musée National d’Arc Moderne which is the largest modern art museum occupies the fourth and the fifth floor of the center.

4. Sainte-Chapelle:

This beautiful Paris Tourist Attraction is considered as the highest achievements of gothic culture.It was built to keep the Louis IX’s collection of Christ and also included the Crown of Thrones. The interior of the chapel is dominated by the stained glass. These glasses are considered as the finest glasses across the world from the late 13th century. This chapel has also suffered some damage during the revolution. and the most of the appearing chapel is a recreation today.

Pont Alexandre III5. Pont Alexandre III:

In the city of the romance, nothing can be more romantic than Pont Alexandre III. This bridge is symboled as the most florid and intricate place in Paris. Seeing this bridge is not less than an art gallery as one could find a bunch of art in this single place. Several French sculptors had made plentiful of statues here.

Other than that there are also plenty of Paris Tourist Attraction one can visit after getting into Paris. Such as Champs-Elysées (the most beautiful avenue in the world), Seine Cruise (another romantic thing visitors can do), Moulin Rouge( an entertaining venue for visitors), Disneyland Paris ( most popular place among children). These are also some places which one should never miss out in Paris.

Tourist Attractions in Ireland

Ireland Vacations

Ireland is a beautiful country with its scenic beauty, great wildlife, and alluring countryside. It is home to 63,78,000 people who prominently speak English, Irish and Ulster Scots. This country cum ‘island’ located in the Atlantic Ocean offers you some incredible experience with its multiple world heritage sites.

These tourist attractions are going to make your Ireland vacations an unforgettable trip-

Ring of KerryRing of Kerry– it is a loop of tourist trail that extends up to 120 miles and passes through breathtaking landscapes. In your way on the ‘ring of Kerry’, you can find greenery rich meadows, purple heather covered mountains and sparkling lakes.

You can further visit Killarney National park that is a UNESCO heritage biosphere site. This national park has the Ross Castle from the 15th century and is a home to the wild red deer’s herd. All this sightseeing will make your Ireland vacations amazing.

Cliffs of Moher– the cliffs of Moher are the natural attractions that are as high as 214 meters. They extend up to 8 km from the village of Doolin to Hags Head in County Clare.

These cliffs offer a stupendous coastal walk and were carved by a vast river delta, 320 million years ago. This is an essential part of Ireland vacations and should not be missed.

The Giant’s CausewayThe Giant’s Causeway– this UNESCO heritage site in Northern Ireland consists of over 40,000 polygonal basalt rock blocks. These blocks appear like the stepping stones of a giant and stretch along the coastline. This natural wonder will indeed make your Ireland vacations worth it.

Skellig Islands– Being composed of two islands- Little Skellig and Skellig Michael, Skelling Island make for an eye-catching Ireland vacation. You can also witness a 6th-century monastery on a 230m high cliff.

Try clicking some fascinating images of the diverse birdlife here like Cormorants, Gannets, Razorbills, Black Guillemots, and Herring Gulls.

Aran Islands– this is going to make an important part of your Ireland vacations through its rustic feel and beautiful countryside. Aran Islands are famous for the knitted sweaters (popular across the UK). The Car-free roads, traditional Irish villages devoid of the modern developments, historical forts, sandy beaches and a long coastline are the main attractions here.

Glenveagh National ParkGlenveagh National Park– this second largest national park spreads in a 14,000 acre and houses some rare wildlife species including the golden eagle. It mainly attracts hikers and fishermen to its high mountain peaks and aquatic life to fish out salmon and trout. All these attractions along with a 19th century Glenveagh Castle provide your Ireland vacations a natural and soothing touch.

Cooley Peninsula– if you have an adventurous aspect, you should visit here during your Ireland vacations. Located at the northeastern tip of Ireland in the Irish Sea, Cooley peninsula rarely sees tourists.

Forested mountains, sandy coastline, exotic Carlingford medieval village and delightful views make it a well-deserved part of your Ireland vacations.

Glendalough– dubbed as ‘the garden of Ireland,’ Glendalough was mainly a Christian establishment. It was founded in the 6th century by St. Kevin. What you can witness here now are the numerous monasteries set up beside the glistening lakes and Heather carpeted hills. Glendalough, also known as ‘Valley of Two Lakes’ is truly a paradise in a nature lover’s Ireland vacation of sightseeing.

Tourist Attractions in France

Paris Attraction

When you are looking for romance, there’s a strong possibility that you end up in France. Paris, the French capital, is often called the city of lights and the city of love. As the unspoken fashion capital of the world, it is also just as famous for art and culture. You don’t have to mention anything beyond Paris attractions to be reminded of the innumerable landmarks found all around this beautiful city.

Eiffel Tower1. Eiffel Tower

Extending for more than 1,000 feet, the Paris attraction is located in the Champ de Mars Park. As a world wonder, it is one of the most photographed places in the world. Riding the elevator can provide you with a grand view of almost all Paris attractions. The tower is also so fine and well-equipped that there are two restaurants that you can dine situated in the tower.

2. Louvre

As the world’s most visited museum, this Paris attraction is found in the Louvre Palace which features the glass pyramid at the entrance. There are more than a million objects in the museum, ranging from the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci to the ‘Dying Slave’ by Michelangelo. The apartments of Napoleon III, as well as antiques from Egypt, can also be found here.

3. Arc de Triomphe

Constructed in 1806, the triumphs of Napoleon Bonaparte were celebrated by this Paris attraction, which was 50 meters tall. The victorious battles were depicted in great detail, even containing the names of soldiers who died fighting for the Emperor. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a memoir of the First World War, can also be found beneath the arch of this Paris attraction.

4. Notre Dame de Paris

A trip to France would be incomplete without visiting this famous Paris attraction. Its height is more than 120 meters. The church stands tall as an example of splendid French Gothic Architecture since the 13th century.

5. Sacre-Coeur

The basilica is found on the Montmartre hill’s highest point. Touring this Paris attraction gives you a view of stained-glass windows and gold mosaics as well as the largest clock of the world, which are all centuries old.

Palace of Versailles6. Palace of Versailles

When it was built, it was established as a hunting lodge and later housed the king’s court. The Paris attraction saw splendid treasures everywhere and soon became one of the most visited places in France. Visitors enjoy the 357 mirrors in the Hall of mirrors that decorate 17 arches as well as the vast gardens.

7. Champs- Elysees

Champ- Elysees is a tree-lined avenue found in Paris’ most famous street and is often described as the world’s most beautiful avenue. The military parade that takes place on Bastilles day generally takes place at this Paris attraction.

Besides these attractions, France is the home of some of the finest designers of the world like Christian Dior, Yves Saint-Laurent, and L’Oreal. If all else fails, you should gear up for a huge shopping spree when you visit France. You can find everything from open-air markets, flea markets as well as boutiques and designer stores. You can also expect to find some of the finest shopping malls at France.