More Things to Do in Yellowstone

Yellowstone is one of America’s great natural escapes. This national park is filled with a variety of different camping areas, waterfalls, canyons, forests and other varied natural attractions. Since the colonial era people have marvelled at the bounty of nature located in this part of the state of Wyoming. Each year the national park is filled with legions of nature lovers who take to the outdoors and savour Yellowstone. If chance should bring you to Yellowstone you will have much to explore. Still more things to see and do in Yellowstone national park include:

2892_355_Hayden_Valley_Yellowstone_mdHayden Valley

One of the key draws for visitors to Yellowstone is the chance to see the parks varied wildlife. Perhaps no place provides better opportunity for this then Hayden Valley. Located a few miles from Yellowstone Lake this lush valley is a natural grazing ground for elk, coyotes, bison, a vast variety of bird species, and even the occasional grizzly bear. Two of the major trails that hikers enjoy in the valley are the Hayden Valley Trail – which travels to Grand Canyon of Yellowstone from the valley – and the Mary Mountain Trail which leads hikers along the Northern edge of the valley. A few of the valleys calling card sites include a few geothermal pools such as Sulphur Springs, Black Dragon Caldron, and Mud Geyser.

Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center 

Once you have enjoyed enough natural pursuits many visitors to Yellowstone take the time to visit the Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center. This non profit center details in depth the history and features of the bears and wolves that are, and have been, inside Yellowstone. Beyond just the history of the animals, present conservation practices are also detailed in the center too. Nearby to the center are several habitats that actual house bears and wolves complete with viewing areas so you can safely view them.  Located near to the entrance to Yellowstone national park the Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center is open in summer from sunrise to sunset daily.

Grand Prismatic Spring

If you’re looking for a bit of artistic inspiration, you’ll find it at the Grand Prismatic Spring. Sitting in the Midway Geyser Basin, this is the largest hot spring in the United States, approximately 250 by 300 feet in size and around 160-feet deep. But it’s Grand Prisimatic’s rainbow waters that really make it fascinating: While the center of the pool’s deep cerulean hue is pretty characteristic, the deep reds, bright yellows and fiery oranges encircling the edges are not. These colors are caused by pigmented bacteria that thrive on the rich minerals produced by the geothermic activity. The color of the bacteria is determined by the temperature of the water — the center of the spring is too hot to support life — which is then reflected when light hits the organisms.

Still More of the Types of People You Meet in Hostels

72_518534685751_5480_nThe hostel is a wondrous place where like minded travellers come together to share in the experience together. Each hostel is its own little world, complete with various characters that make it just what it is. Often though there are certain character types that show up again and again… now some of these characters are enduring to certain levels while other flat out are as annoying as hell. The hostel is truly is a great laboratory of humanity. Still more of the types of people that you meet in hostels include.

 The pretentious girl who corrects people’s pronunciation of foreign place names

So she has been in Buenos Aires for three days and from her lips the word comes out Buenos Aye-des. At first you need to ask her again – sorry what was that? She replies the same with just a hint of pre-tense on her face. Uhhhh, you realize she is saying Buenos Aires. As you talk to her more, she takes the time to correct your pronunciation of some of the sites around the city that you want to see. Feeling significantly schooled by her, you excuse yourself to go talk to somebody else.

The guy who is traveling to light

A person on their first trip is probably going to over pack. A seasoned traveler knows to pack light as additional luggage can get lost and more importantly it weighs you down and slows your movement. With that said, in hostels there usually is that guy who has only packed two changes of clothes – including t- shirts and underwear. Personal hygiene is a bit to bourgeoisie for this guy to maintain and though he often is an interesting guy the sheer smell of him makes it hard to truly connect. The reality is that you will always know when they are in the room as that wafting smell will alert you.

The insular British Group that doesn’t care about the others in the hostel

 They all went, as they call it, to Uni together and they are carrying on loudly in the hostel common room. There is a group of about 6 of them. The discussion is a loud re-telling of how one of them picked up some girl last night in lewd detail. A girl from across the room looks up from her book to send a subtle social cue of social disapproval. They continue talking, louder now more boisterous… they are drinking a lot and the antics are getting worse. Somebody finally says they can keep it down a little. They look at each other, and quiet for a moment. The person that told them to shhhhush up… leaves the room and not a moment later, one of the Brits yells out loudly to the others in his group– “twat!” They all burst out laughing and continue on just as before.

More People You Meet in a Hostel

Hostels can be a special place, a literal melting pot of different nationalities and personalities, that allows travellers to come together to experience a new place. So many friendships, and even romantic hijinx, have spawned inside their walls and chances are staying in one will make your time even better. With that said though, not all is constantly great and there will be people that may bring your time down. Sometimes there may be some pretty odd types loitering in hostels. A few more people you meet in hostels include:

The guy who plays his guitar

This is a guy who took the trouble of bringing his guitar along with him for a backpacking trip, which is no small feat. Generally life on the road is no time to practice so there is only one reason that the guitar is there… to play in front of the other people at the hostel. Now this can be a good thing depending if the guitar guy is good, but an ear screeching atrocity if they are bad. Also, listening to a person play guitar amounts to just watching them rather than talking to the other travelers, which is kind of a buzz kill. The guitar guys is alright, and is thought of a such by the other travelers, but really… they should have left the guitar at home.

72_518534765591_3231_nThe I can top you traveller

So there is a group together in the common room of the hostel all having beers. You have the floor and you are telling everyone about the time you were almost pick pocketed in Paris…. all of a sudden, he blurts out: “ohhh that’s nothing, you should have seen the pick pockets in Rome.” The topic changes and someone talks about an amazing night out in Amsterdam. All of a sudden the same guy blurts out: “ohhh that’s nothing, you should have seen the things I saw in the Red Light District.” And without explaining more, there you have the” I can top you travelers”, a kind of narcissist who always thinks their experiences are better and more important than those of everyone else. Generally a hostel citizen that is quickly not liked by most people…

 The overly eager American girl

Now she may be pretty, which is a benefit, but she will come with a seemingly unreal amount of enthusiasm about this new experience she is having. Everything will be amazing, praise worthy and her smile will not leave her face… All the people from the different countries will be so interesting to her, with their little accents and customs, and she will enjoy telling you at length all the wonderful perceptions she is having about all this “newness.” This is the overly eager American girl who hasn’t, and perhaps never will, notice that people will only be interested to listen for a little – unless it’s the guy trying to score her…

Enjoy a taste of Christmas at the Tobacco Dock

If you’re a foodie at heart, you’ll love the Taste of Christmas event held annually at the Tobacco Dock. It starts on November 21st and runs until November 24th. Over 30,000 people flock to this event every year and once you’ve been you’ll see why.

For many people, Christmas is all about food. There are so many festive flavours to be enjoyed. This event allows you to get tips from some of the best chefs in the UK. You’ll find out what makes the perfect Christmas dinner and you’ll come away ready to cook the family the best Christmas food they’ve ever tasted……or at least you’ll have the tips to give it a go!

TasteWhat to expect from the event

There will be plenty to keep you entertained at the Taste of Christmas event. You’ll get to take part in a live cooking demonstration. There will also be seasonal ingredients at the fair too. You’ll find out how to spruce up family favourites and you’ll also get the chance to taste many different Christmas treats.

Top restaurants in London will have their own stalls with small tasters of their products.

Some of the highlights of this event are set to include:

  • Electrolux Taste Theatre

  • Laurent Perrier Feature Bar

  • Explore World Beer

  • Electrolux Chef Tips

The Electrolux Taste Theatre brings together some of the UK’s best chefs including Michel Roux Jr, Tom Kitchin, Mark Hix and Monica Galetti. They will be using the Electrolux Inspiration appliances in their cooking demonstrations.

You’ll pick up plenty of useful tips if you attend the Electrolux Chef Tips feature. As places are booked up on a first come, first served basis it would make sense to order your tickets as soon as possible. This is one event that often books up quite early.

Of course it’s not all about food. There’s some great alcohol features to be enjoyed too. The Laurent Pierre Feature Bar is a great example. This excellent brand of Champagne will have you in the festive spirit within no time. It’s a worldwide brand that is sure to tantalise the taste buds. If champagne isn’t really your thing, you can always opt for the Explore World Beers instead.

The Taste of Christmas event occurs every year and it’s definitely worth checking out.

The Different People you Meet in Every Hostel

Hostels are fascinating little micro universes that bring out the cream of humanity and often the dredge. In most cases, it’s just a collection of younger people who are open minded and adventurous enough to see the world. These people much to their delight are thrust together to party, hang out, and sleep eight to a room with people from all over the world. Usually this is wicked grouping, but there are a few character types that often show up in most hostels that bring the entire enterprise down a notch. This blog is going to discuss a few of these hostel characters.

The travel know it all

 In any group of travelers there will emerge a person who knows more about every place than everyone else.  Doesn’t matter if you lived in that place a year and he or she have been there 4 days they will know more about it than you including the best things to see and all the hot spots to drink. There can be no arguing with the travel know it all since the acuity of their perception outmatches Lonely Planet, the Rough Guide, Forbes and even locals to a place. Generally this person will be shunned by anyone that has been there for longer than a few days and will find newbies to the hostel to bother.

... No it's not me

… No it’s not me

The constantly stoned guy

Living in hostels and traveling around definitely has some bohemian qualities to it. With that said, there are plenty of backpackers enjoying a little puff every now and then. Having a beer and a spliff fits well into hostel etiquette, but there will always be that guy around a hostel who is 24/7 red eyed stoned. Really he isn’t a bad guy as he usually shares. Perhaps he won’t be the most communicative, but every once in a while he may share some shards of insight to be enjoyed.

The old guy trying to pretend he’s still young

Hostels are places where people less than 30, and often less than 26 to be honest, go to hang together, see the world, party and have fun. There is lots of the pre-mentioned partying and a fair share of hooking up, which is all fine and good till there is a 38 year old guy acting like he is 24 and trying weasel his way into younger girl’s underwear. Generally this guy is tolerated, as he tells the others that age is just a number and that he’ll never conform. The old guy playing young  generally creeps out the girls and is a source of amusement for the other guys.